Journey Into Mystery (1952) #116

Read Now Journey Into Mystery (1952) #116




Earth's Mightiest Heroes joined forces to take on threats that were too big for any one hero to tackle. With a roster that has included Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Wasp and dozens more over the years, the Avengers have come to be regarded as Earth's No. 1 team.



Abandoned by his mother, Matt Murdock was raised by his father, boxer "Battling Jack" Murdock, in Hell's Kitchen. Realizing that rules were needed to prevent people from behaving badly, young Matt decided to study law; however, when he saved a man from an oncoming truck, it spilled a radioactive cargo that rendered Matt blind while enhancing his remaining senses. Under the harsh tutelage of blind martial arts master Stick, Matt mastered his heightened senses and became a formidable fighter.

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four

After being exposed to cosmic rays, Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm found they had amazing new powers. Reed Richards found he has the ability to stretch his body in any way he wanted, while Susan Storm can turn herself, objects and other people invisible. Ben Grimm transformed into a rocky, super-strong behemoth and Johnny Storm has the ability to set himself on fire. Dubbed the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing and the Human Torch are Marvel's First Family.



As the Norse God of thunder and lightning, Thor wields one of the greatest weapons ever made, the enchanted hammer Mjolnir. While others have described Thor as an over-muscled, oafish imbecile, he's quite smart and compassionate. He's self-assured, and he would never, ever stop fighting for a worthwhile cause.