Avengers Academy (2010) #28

Read Now Avengers Academy (2010) #28




Earth's Mightiest Heroes joined forces to take on threats that were too big for any one hero to tackle. With a roster that has included Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, Wasp and dozens more over the years, the Avengers have come to be regarded as Earth's No. 1 team.

Chase Stein

Chase Stein

Chase Stein is the son of mad scientists Victor and Janet Stein and is the tech genius of the Runaways.

Tigra (Greer Nelson)

Tigra (Greer Nelson)

Although she was able to use the cat's-head amulet to change back to her human form, Greer Nelson became so accustomed to and enamored of her feline form that she seldom made the transformation.