X-Force (1991) #115

Read Now X-Force (1991) #115




When Tabitha Smith's mutant nature manifested at age 13, she ran away from her abusive home before eventually hooking up with the New Mutants and, subsequently, X-Force.

Pete Wisdom

Pete Wisdom

Pete Wisdom is a former agent of the British intelligence agency Black Air, which was charged with the observation of, and interaction with, extranormal activity, and he was the agency's liaison with the British superhero group Excalibur, whom he eventually aided in exposing Black Air's subversive criminal activities.



James Proudstar was once a member of Professor X's New Mutants and is currently a member of the X-Men black ops team, X-Force.



Feared and hated by humans because they're different, the X-Men are heroic mutants, individuals born with special powers who've sworn to use their gifts to protect mutants as well as humans.