Exiles (2001) #9

Read Now Exiles (2001) #9


Captain America

Captain America

Vowing to serve his country any way he could, young Steve Rogers took the super soldier serum to become America's one-man army. Fighting for the red, white and blue for over 60 years, Captain America is the living, breathing symbol of freedom and liberty.



Caught in a gamma bomb explosion while trying to save the life of a teenager, Dr. Bruce Banner was transformed into the incredibly powerful creature called the Hulk. An all too often misunderstood hero, the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger the Hulk gets.



Shiro Yoshida’s mother was exposed to the atomic devastation of Hiroshima during World War II and died giving birth to him.



Tyros was once the dictator of the city Lanlak on the planet Birj, where his superhuman ability to command rocks and earth enabled him to overcome all resistance, but his rule of Lanlak came to an end when he was sought by the world-devouring Galactus to serve as his latest Herald.



The radiation that mutated Reed Richards, Sue Storm and Johnny Storm into superhuman beings had also mutated Ben Grimm, transforming him into a grotesque, rock-hided strongman dubbed the Thing.

Thunderbird (John Proudstar)

Thunderbird (John Proudstar)

An exceptionally strong and vigorous athlete in his youth, John Proudstar’s mutant abilities first manifested when he wrestled a charging bison to save a young girl.