New Mutants Special Edition (1985) #1

Read Now New Mutants Special Edition (1985) #1


Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock is an artificially created human who was born in a cocoon at a scientific complex called The Beehive.

Boom Boom

Boom Boom

When Tabitha Smith's mutant nature manifested at age 13, she ran away from her abusive home and eventually hooked up with the New Mutants and, subsequently, X-Force.



Growing up in a wealthy Brazilian family, Roberto da Costa was forging a career as a skilled soccer player until his mutant nature manifested during a match.

Warlock (Technarchy)

Warlock (Technarchy)

The New Mutants' Warlock is an alien being from an unidentified world where the a sentient life forms are "techno-organic" life that resembles circuitry and machinery in various ways.